I've started something....something that will be big.
Wine pairing nights.
This is the sort of thing we're wanting to grow. We're wanting to put on regular pairing evenings in the hope of people becoming more aware of the wealth of good wines out there, within a comfy and relaxed environment.
Our first one was back in April and was just Brett, Wayne and myself and then recently we got hold of two more willing
victims participants. I told them to expect lots of alcohol and lots of food.
Let's begin.... (NB: I'm only rating on the swallowing factor)
My Wyn MCC Brut. 

Bought by Wayne from a lady who only makes two barrels of the stuff a year thus making it rather special. As it has a very biscuity aftertaste, he paired it beautifully with Hummus and Salticrax.
Fleur Du Cap Natural Light. (I'm not allowed to rate it as it is a mysterious unmentioned grape blend)

Paired with a suprisngly tasty Snoek Terrine from PnP. I liked the light taste and it was effortless to drink but would have preferred to know the type of grapes used.
Zonnebloem Chardonnay. 

This was the final white wine. I'm not a white wine person because most of the time it tastes like 5 day old vomit yet this had been matured in new French oak and so the woody, acid taste was far less potent. This was paired with Avo and boy did my tummy thank me for it. The rich, nutty and creamy flavour of the Avo coupled with the slight woody flavour of the Chardonnay was delicious with neither over-powering the other.
Lathitha Rosé

Paired with BBQ chicken salad and mini cherry tomatoes.
I'm not sure if I'll ever be a Rosé girl, I can't help but think that it's trying to be something that it is not and it fails miserably at that. Rather it grew some balls and was actually a red.
Red Gold Cabernet Sauvignon 2007. 

Now, Brett picked out a wine on special when we were at Wacky Wine. I was highly dubious and with good reason, he enjoys Tassenberg! However, I have been corrected thoroughly and took a huge slice of humble crumble pie. Paired with Brett's homemade pizza (cherry tomatoes, roast beef, mushrooms, spring onions, garlic and mozz) it was amazing. The biggest suprise of the evening. The nose was gorgeous, no tears just a happy warming feeling sliding down my throat. And
Wayne LOVED it so get yourself a bottle now!
Zonnebloem Pinotage. 

Paired with chicken, pepper, mozzarella and tomato bruschetta. A fairly decent Pinotage but nothing to dance about. A nice fruity nose though.
Four bottles of Like Father Like Son cab/merlot.

Mulled wine. Oh how I love it. There is nothing quite as nice as sipping a mug of steaming mulled wine during winter. It warms the cockles of your heart (an English saying). Paired with chocolate chunk cookies and everyone becomes my best friend.
(I'll be sharing my recipe for good mulled wine in another blog post so watch.this.space)
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