The dreaded About section where I am supposed to sell myself in a way that makes you want to jump through the screen and fondle me.
So let's introduce you to three very important people.
I've been living in Cape Town since September 2010 and recently, February 19th 2011, got married to my wonderful South African.
I'm currently working in marketing and I graduated with a BA Hons in Communication Studies thus explaining my love of talking.
I first tried to get into wines by pairing them with chocolate but I'm too much of a chocolate lover and so just ignored the wines. I'm determined though to find a wine that stands up admirably to my triple Lindt chocolate brownies.
Something of a rogue and a huge lover of Brandy and Jack Daniels - though we're trying to ween him on to the red and white grape stuff. Put a steak in front of him (medium-rare) and he'll be your best friend for life. Manager of a pipe repair and mining solutions company in Cape Town and a bit of a nomad.
His current obsession is with finding a breathtaking Cab/Merlot
He doesn't really have a moustache but he was born in Zimbabwe and he did used to be in the Hotel Business and he has been all over the place from the Seychelles and France, to Switzerland too. He has an insatiable passion for wine especially Chenin Blanc and Pinotage. He also claims, after a few drinks, to being able to speak multiple languages yet I don't have the heart to tell him that really Wayne, you weren't speaking French at all that was just you slurring your words with an accent.
So let's introduce you to three very important people.

I'm currently working in marketing and I graduated with a BA Hons in Communication Studies thus explaining my love of talking.
I first tried to get into wines by pairing them with chocolate but I'm too much of a chocolate lover and so just ignored the wines. I'm determined though to find a wine that stands up admirably to my triple Lindt chocolate brownies.
His current obsession is with finding a breathtaking Cab/Merlot